
by Happy Lucky sloth apps



"Katekyo Hitman REBORN!" is a Japanese manga by Akira Amano. It was serialized in "Weekly Shonen Jump" (Shueisha) from 26th issue in 2004 to 50th issue in 2012, and there was never a break. The title "Tutor" is correct to read as "Katekyo", but the reading of "Kateikyoushi" is incorrect. Abbreviation is "Reborn". As of July 2016, the cumulative circulation has exceeded 30 million.It was also made into a TV animation, and was broadcast on TV Tokyo affiliate (TXN) from October 2006 to September 2010. In December 2010, the continuation of the TV animation, ``Inheritance Ceremony was broadcast as a video comic (VOMIC) in the corner ``Weekly VOMIC of the information program ``Saki Yomi Jean BANG! (4 episodes in total). .An unofficial quiz app by fans of such popular works is finally here![Recommended for people like this]・I like REBORN・I like comics・I like anime・ I want to review before the next season starts・I like quiz games・I like free apps・I have too much free timeDownload and play for free now! "